Thursday, February 14, 2013

Andrew Doherty

   In regards to a "Fish out of Water", I'm at a loss to say that, without oxygen we die.  All living things have basic requirements and are made of some basic elements:  nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.  Though not all species obtain oxygen by the same means, fish use their gills, people their lungs.  Lungs provide not only a means for gas exchange, but a means to vocalize through our vocal chords.  Without this, our language, our communication, and possibly our human connection to each other would be lost and primal.  The ability to combine symbols, sound, gestures and reason allows us to be more than a fish out of water.  In this day, where death, disease and violence plague our existence, we have an obligation as a species with a unique ability, to use this to change our future and the future of generations to come.  Whether we use our language to instruct or educate, entertain or enlighten, it is our duty as writers, as humans, to take these words and use them for the benefit of our existence.

     Thank you for the opportunity to share, another fish out of water,

Remington Train a.k.a Andrew Doherty

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